Jasna Dragovic

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Who we are

Jasna is a compassionate and experienced registered nurse providing support with Breastfeeding, Infant sleep, Infant Behaviour and Maternal Mental Health.

Jasna helps parents navigate the often contradicting information out there and provides best practice approach to challenges families face. Often parents are told to apply a “one size fits all” approach to breastfeeding, sleep, baby and parent health, but this adds extra anxiety and stress to already struggling and sleep deprived parents.

Consultations are undertaken in a holistic manner in line with the Neuroprotective Developmental Care approach (NDC), this means we address and discuss breastfeeding, unsettled infant behaviour, infant sleep and maternal mental health. All consultations are individualised with time to talk and debrief about your parenting journey.  

Whether you are pregnant, awaiting the arrival of your baby via adoption or surrogacy, or have brought home your infant; Jasna can help you prepare and understand what to expect / where you’re at and how to approach parenthood in line with your values and goals as well as your baby's needs and preferences.


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