- Adelaide
- 5+ years in business
- 0414721372
- 0 reviews
- undefined
Who we are
Navigating new parenthood and pregnancy can be difficult for most new families especially with so much conflicting advice. Imagine having one person give you in-home personalised care working alongside you, building your confidence to help your succeed and flourish!
Midwifery care is with an experienced midwife, registered nurse and IBCLC who has over 25 years experience in pregnancy, birth and postpartum care. With this vast knowledge and skill set we are able to tailor your care with you and your partner at the centre of all decision making. We offer care at any stage of your pregnancy and postpartum journey in collaboration with your birthing hospital, private obstetrician or in addition to your current schedule of visits.
Contact us today to see how we can work with you on this remarkable life changing journey. A Medicare and Private Health Fund rebate for services throughout pregnancy up to 6 weeks postpartum with a referral.
Some ways you can work with us include:
-Pregnancy care
-Postpartum care
-Pregnancy & postnatal care combined
-Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth course (private or group)
-Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Caesarean Birth Course
-Lactation support
-Individual education sessions
-Breastfeeding education
*At this stage we do not offer birthing support.