Top 10 Parenting topics in Australia
We have listed below some of the most common topics between new parents that are trending in 2025. Some may note relate to your current season, but it can be a great way to connect and build relationships with someone who may understand or can support you.
1. Sleep (or Lack of It!)
Sleep training methods (Ferber, gentle sleep training, co-sleeping)
When babies start sleeping through the night
Managing sleep regressions
Safe sleep guidelines (SIDS prevention)
2. Feeding & Nutrition
Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding
Introducing solids (Baby-Led Weaning vs. Purees)
Managing food allergies and intolerances
Picky eating and toddler nutrition
3. Developmental Milestones
When babies should roll over, crawl, walk, talk, etc.
Speech and language development concerns
Comparing milestones with other parents (sometimes leading to stress!)
4. Childcare & Parental Leave
Choosing a daycare or nanny
Cost of childcare and government subsidies (Centrelink, CCS)
Returning to work after parental leave
Work-life balance as a parent
5. Mental Health & Parental Wellbeing
Postnatal depression and anxiety (for both mums and dads)
Feeling isolated or overwhelmed as a new parent
How to maintain relationships and social life
Finding ‘me time’ and self-care
6. Baby Products & Gear
Best prams, car seats, cots, and carriers
Sustainable and budget-friendly baby products
What’s worth buying vs. unnecessary purchases
7. Parenting Styles & Philosophies
Gentle parenting, Montessori, attachment parenting, etc.
Managing tantrums and discipline techniques
Screen time and technology use for young children
8. Health & Medical Concerns
Vaccinations and immunisation schedules
Common childhood illnesses (colds, teething, reflux)
When to visit a pediatrician
Home remedies vs. medical treatment
9. Social & Support Networks
Finding mum and dad groups (e.g., Playgroups, Facebook groups, Peanut app)
Talking about the pressures of parenting
How to maintain friendships with non-parents
10. Family Finances & Budgeting
Costs of raising a child in Australia
Government benefits and payments (Paid Parental Leave, Family Tax Benefit)
Saving for the future (education, private vs. public schooling)
We have gathered insights from parenting forums, community discussions, popular topical searches, parenting groups and online Government & Health Guidelines.
Mamaly Team